Will Tesla Phone Ever Release: Rumors and Speculations

The rumors about a Tesla phone are going on for a while with very little evidence to back them up, even though Musk is known for pushing technological boundaries.

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Will Tesla Phone Ever Release: Rumors and Speculations

Tesla is the image of futuristic technology in the world. On top of that, the eccentric reputation of its founder, Elon Musk, imparts a certain air of mystery and intrigue to the company’s products. However, as advanced and far-reaching as its technology has been, Tesla has never yet touched the smartphone market. Sure, Musk has been busy managing Neuralink and self-driving Tesla cars, but couldn’t he have tasked a few of his super engineers to design a smartphone, something that is much less challenging to create than what Tesla generally dabbles in? Well, this is just the question the internet has been asking for some time now since a rumor that points in just this direction.

Tesla Phone Rumors

Admittedly, Musk is a super busy man. Running Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and X singlehandedly is no mean feat. On the other hand, a smartphone is not that big a deal when compared to a cybertruck. And a “Tesla phone” would probably sell like hotcakes.

The first rumors of Tesla developing a smartphone surfaced in 2021. After a year, in 2022, Musk responded to a tweet on X, then Twitter, which was most certainly intentionally written to incite controversy about this topic. However, the content of the tweet itself was serious. Following the acquisition of Twitter by Musk, Liz Wheeler tweeted that should Apple and Google ban Twitter from their app stores on account of Musk’s strong stand on free speech, the CEO should manufacture his own smartphone. Musk replied to this, saying that if there were no alternatives, he would definitely do just this. However, before we get carried away, let us remind ourselves that it has been almost two years since this year and nothing in this direction has happened.

No information about any design elements like the logo, OS, style, etc, ever saw the light of day. The same went with the finer details of specifications, price, and release deadlines. So all in all, there has been no evidence of a smartphone being developed by Tesla except that one statement Musk wrote almost two years back on X. And truth be told, we wouldn’t recommend holding your breath for this phone’s details to come out. Because when and if they do, you won’t miss them.

The Tesla Phone Might Just Be a Fantasy

If there ever was a saturated market, it is the smartphone one. They say it is impossible to count the number of stars in the sky and we’d say the same for the smartphones on this earth. That might be one of the reasons Tesla wants nothing to do with manufacturing their own phones.

In the USA, Apple and Samsung are the leading smartphone manufacturers. Of course, this is not the case with the rest of the world, but we are starting with Musk’s home territory. When it comes to the war between iOS and Android worldwide, the latter takes the match. But the problem is that there are umpteen companies that manufacture Android smartphones.

If Tesla wanted to stand a chance in the smartphone market, first and foremost, it would have to invest a ton of money in research and development. Only after carefully analyzing the status quo would the company gather enough confidence to step foot into these murky waters. But Tesla is already hooked onto domains that require a huge amount of financial push. After all, making rockets is not cheap.

Another worrying aspect for Tesla might be the operating system scene. Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are the two top OS in the world right now. But Tesla would have to create its own OS to solve the problem of Google and Apple, and that is a herculean task. Tesla is already neck-deep in production delays and has so many products in the pipeline. Why go in a different direction now?

Lastly, we need to see that there is no need as such for Tesla phones. It is not that the existing smartphones deliver anything else than top-notch performance. What then would Tesla offer that is so new and original? That said, a Tesla phone could potentially work as a central hub that powers and connects all things Tesla. The company has a huge portfolio. From cars to solar panels, it would use a central connector where things are organized and categorized. For a Tesla-crazed person, this would be a boon. Given Musk’s strange inclinations from time to time, who knows if the world is going to get a Tesla smartphone soon.


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