Amazon’s Metis and Remarkable Alexa Soon To Rival ChatGPT

Amazon’s Metis or Remarkable Alexa will soon be released and may become one of the biggest rivals to ChatGPT.

Amazon's Metis, Metis, Amazon Metis, Amazon ai, Remarkable Alexa, Rival of ChatGPT
Amazon’s Metis and Remarkable Alexa Soon To Rival ChatGPT

Whichever industry Amazon has entered, it has wiped the competition out, be it in e-commerce, entertainment, web services, etc. It is then strange to see its lackluster performance in the AI world. For some time now, whispers have been heard about how Amazon is putting lots of resources into catching up in this field.

Some of you may be surprised, because isn’t Alexa doing great? Well, in the smart home business, yes. Everywhere else, no. But lately, rumors have spread that Amazon is working on a chatbox that will go head-to-head with ChatGPT and its peers.

Amazon’s Metis: A New Rival to ChatGPT

“Metis” is the name Amazon gives to this internal project, says Business Insider. In response to users’ queries, this AI service will dish out text and images. Metis will also be able to share links and engage in a back-and-forth conversation, with the ability to generate its own images.

Amazon will integrate retrieval augmented generation as well into the AI, which is jargon for the ability to search and respond with information that wasn’t trained on. Moreover, the report states providing up-to-date stock prices is an example of this technology.

Amazon also has plans to turn Metis into an AI agent. That means it will anonymously analyze data and make decisions based on its programming. But that is all we know currently.

One thing is sure: Amazon has got something up its sleeve. There have been too many reports all over the internet regarding this. But the officials are playing their cards close to their hearts and not much information about these endeavors has made it to the public space.

Titan AI, Amazon’s large language model, is already out, and a more powerful version, named Olympus, is in the pipeline, reportedly. Talks of Rufus have also surfaced lately, which is an assistant that will help you navigate the maze that is Amazon’s catalog of products.

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When will Amazon’s AI be released?

Rumors indicate that Amazon has been seriously considering an Alexa overhaul by converting it into an AI chatbot, given the popularity of such services. If not that, then at least they will vamp up the assistant capabilities soon. Remarkably, this upgrade has been given the name “Remarkable Alexa” and it is a paid service. You will have to spend between $5 to $10 a month to gain access to advanced features like email composition and ordering food online with a single prompt.

But if that were all, then no one would look twice at “Remarkable Alexa.” Amazon also plans to personalize more features so that the AI would be able to imbibe the user’s routines and control smart home devices accordingly.

Surprisingly, despite all the resources at Amazon’s disposal, they have been having a hard time with this business. They are not even on par with the tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Meta. For example, there was news earlier this year that said this decked-out Alexa would be getting generative AI skills, but no news on the front has been available since.

Now, there is no definitive answer to the question of whether Amazon is struggling to keep up in the AI race. What we can say is that events are pointing in that direction. However, Amazon will have to level the playing field soon or risk being blown out of the game forever. AI is progressing at a staggering rate and is showing no signs of slowing down. OpenAI, Anthropic, and other AI companies have taken the lead in the AI revolution and are determined to spearhead this change. If nothing is done soon, Alexa could become a museum relic soon enough.


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